Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why Marketing Fermat

It's elementary Watson. Fermat's Last Theorem is a simple equation, yet, no complete solution was found in over 400 years. What I'm going to cover in this blog, sounds as simple as Fermat's last theorem, yet, has spawned a whole group of people who do it every day, and, approach it from an amateurish way.

Marketing Intelligence. a.k.a. Marketing Analytics a.k.a. Marketing Measurement a.k.a. Marketing ROI (add another 100 or so acronyms here at your own leisure). It is a combination of skillsets that allow more technical among the marketers to understand what the hell they are doing, and, whether, what they are doing makes sense.

What is Marketing Intelligence. Simply put, it is understanding how marketing improves business results. It has many parts to it, which I'm going to get into more details in future postings here, however, it really is simple. It is not about measurement, it is not about tracking, it is not about data collection, it is not about complex modeling and simulation. All of that are means to an end. This blog is about how companies should go about acquiring Marketing Intelligence and about tools and approaches that may help them achieve that.

We have IQ, EQ, how about MIQ? :-) (but more about that later). Stay tuned.

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